Male hand pushing buttons to play song on old Jukebox, selecting records

Background music from a jukebox

The background music from a jukebox licence contains the right to provide a jukebox located in customer premises for the use of the customer.

Read the product’s special terms and conditions

Number of months of using music (annually)
Check the fields
You can obtain this licence from our customer service. Once the order has been placed, our customer service will calculate the price based on the provided product information. You will receive price information from us, and the licence enters into force once you have accepted it. See pricelist.

Information about the licence

  • A jukebox refers to a machine from where a customer may select music against payment.
  • The licence contains the right to provide a jukebox located in customer premises for the use of the customers
  • The compensation is jukebox specific
  • If the holder of a jukebox uses it as the source for background or dance music, in other words the music is selected for the customers and it plays without interruptions, a separate licence for background music in a restaurant is required
  • The billing cycle is selected when purchasing a license, and it can be annual, semi-annual or quarterly
  • The licence is valid until further notice and the notice period for the licence is one month

Pricelist 2025