Background music in instructed sports
The licence covers the public performance of background music in instructed music sports at gyms, well-being and sports centers or in dance lessons of a dance school
The licence is venue specific
The licence is valid until further notice and the notice period for the licence is one month
The licence does not cover music recording. If recorded music is played during classes, for example collections made of songs purchased from iTunes or Google Play, the venue must also have a venue specific reproduction licence or the instructor’s own personal reproduction licence
The price of the licence is determined by the number of instructed lessons per week and the surface area of the venue
The price of the licence is decided based on the number of weekly hours of classes and the surface area of the exercise area.
When you buy your licence, you must state the number of weekly hours of classes for each calendar month. You can, however, adjust the number of weekly hours of classes over the course of the year.
If exercise classes are held outside the actual establishment (e.g. in a park or another irregular location), the hours can be added the business’ number of hours.
You can change your number of hours for an invoicing period on our OmaLupa service up to that period’s invoicing date.
We will email you a reminder about updating your number of hours before the end of the invoicing period, so please make sure that we can reach you via email!
We recommend quarterly invoicing (rather than biannual or annual) so you can adjust your number of hours accordingly. Invoicing periods of one year or six months will be invoiced in advance.
Read the products special terms and conditions.
Existing customer? Edit and update your licences by logging in
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Background music streaming licence for sports
Information about the licence
- The background music streaming licence enables remote live streaming of background music from the venue (gym) for customers participating in exercise or dance classes remotely
- A live-streamed exercise or dance class means a workout that exercisers can take part in both on-site and remotely if they wish. So, the class is not only held online, but also physically at the gym
- This licence is intended for sports
- The licence also requires a valid background music in instructed sports or background music in a sports hall
Special conditions for the licence
- Background music streaming must be done in real time (live). The licence does not cover making a recording of the live broadcast, nor showing it afterwards
- Streaming of the activity must take place in a closed online environment, such as the website of the licence administrator or a separate remote meeting platform, such as Teams or Zoom
- The licence does not cover transmission to the public via social media services such as Facebook, Instagram or YouTube
- The number of participants in the online activity can be at most the same as the number of participants would be present
- One class may contain no more than 60 minutes of recorded music
- The main focus of the activity must be on physical participation. Therefore, the licence cannot be used to licence activities which main focus or only use is in the online environment
- If the company has guided sports in several locations, a streaming licence is required for all locations
- The licence is intended for the streaming of background music to the public in Finland, and the it may not be used for classes broadcasted abroad