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Background music streaming licence for municipal activities

Delight your remote participants with background music – the Background Music Streaming Licence allows Gramex to offer publicly performed music to those participating in the municipality’s activities online as well.

Calculate price for licence

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You can obtain this licence from our customer service. Once the order has been placed, our customer service will calculate the price based on the provided product information. You will receive price information from us, and the licence enters into force once you have accepted it. See pricelist.

How the prices are determined

The licence is invoiced in connection with the invoicing of Music in municipality activities licence. The notice period for the licence is determined according to the valid background music licence.

Compensation is paid for the streaming licence, which is 20% of the background music compensation paid by the municipality. However, a minimum charge of 336,37 € per year is paid for the licence. The applicable value added tax is added to the prices.

Pricelist 2025