Dance music in a restaurant
The Gramex’s dance music in a restaurant licence is intended for dance restaurants, nightclubs, clubs and discos, where a DJ plays recorded music (CDs, vinyls, own recordings) as dance music
In addition to Gramex’s licence, you need a separate recording music performance licence from Teosto for dance music (you can purchase a license from Teosto’s license service or by sending an email to: tapahtumat@teosto.fi)
The licence is venue specific
The price of the licence is determined by the number of customer seats as well as dance days taking place during the year
The billing cycle is selected when purchasing a license, and it can be annual, semi-annual or quarterly
The notice period for the licence is one month
Note: The licence does not cover the rights to record the music played by the DJ, for this the venue must purchase a DJ licence of the venue, which covers the recording of music on behalf of all DJs performing in the restaurant. If the DJ has his own DJ licence , the venue’s DJ licence is not needed. The licence also does not cover the public performance of karaoke, for this you need a specific licence from Teosto
Read the product’s special terms and conditions.
Existing customer? Edit and update your licences by logging in