Nurse assisting senior with walking cane

Music in care facilites

The music in care facilities licence covers the public performance of phonograms in the common spaces for residents.

Read the product’s special terms and conditions.

If you already are our customer and have a user account in MyLicence service, you can choose a previously added venue.

Number of months of using music (annually)
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Information about the licence

  • A background music licence is required when music is played in a common space, for example via TV or radio, and when 25 or more residents can use the space
  • The licence covers the public performance of phonograms (eg. TV, radio, computer, CD and streaming services suitable for public use) in the common spaces for residents
  • The common spaces includes e.g. lobbies, hobby facilities, gyms and lounges
  • The licence is suitable for e.g. hospitals, service homes for the elderly, reception centers and group, family and youth homes with permanent residents
  • The licence also covers gratuitous events arranged for residents and their visitors when the number of participants is no more than 200 persons.
  • The licence is facility specific
  • The price of the licence is determined by the number of beds
  • The billing cycle is selected when purchasing a licence, and it can be annual, semi-annual or quarterly
  • The notice period for the licence is one month
  • The corresponding licences from Teosto are also required

Note. Municipal care facilities are included in the municipal agreement. The license does not cover the space to which outsiders have access, such as cafeterias and gyms, and these need to be licensed with a suitable product, e.g. background music in a restaurant.

Pricelist 2025