Music in congregational activities
The Music in congregational activities licence covers the performance of recorded music in congregational activities.
Read the product’s special terms and conditions.
Information about the licence
- The Music in congregational activities licence covers the performance of recorded music in congregational activities as granted by Gramex
- The licence does not apply to the use of recordings in events where the Congregation carries out activities that compete with private entrepreneurs
- The licence also does not apply to the use of recordings in the events arranged by third parties on the congregation’s premises.
- The price of the licence is determined according to the number of members of the congregation on December 31st of the year preceding the billing year
- The billing period is one calendar year, and the licence can be terminated at the end of the calendar year
- The corresponding licence from Teosto is also required
If the congregation also plays background music for remote participants, the congregation also needs a background music streaming licence.
Background music streaming in congregational activities
Information about the licence
- The background music streaming licence enables the on-site live streaming of background music from the congregational activities to remotely participating customers on behalf of Gramex
- The licence allows for occasional remote participation in church activities, such as church services
- The licence is intended for congregations, and the licence also requires a valid Music in congregational activities licence
- In addition, the congregation also needs a corresponding licence from Teosto to stream background music
Special conditions for the licence
- Background music streaming must be done in real time (live). The licence does not cover making a recording of the live broadcast, nor showing it afterwards
- Streaming of the activity must take place in a closed online environment, such as the website of the licence administrator or a separate remote meeting platform, such as Teams or Zoom
- The licence does not cover transmission to the public via social media services such as Facebook, Instagram or YouTube
- The number of participants in the online activity can be at most the same as the number of participants would be present, but still a maximum of 5,000 people
- One broadcast may contain no more than 60 minutes of recorded music
- The main focus of the activity must be on physical participation. Therefore, the licence cannot be used to licence activities which main focus or only use is in the online environment
- The licence is intended for the streaming of background music to the public in Finland, and the it may not be used for classes broadcasted abroad
Read the product’s special terms and conditions.
How the prices are determined
The license is invoiced with your Music in congregational activities licence. The notice period for licence termination is determined by the terms of your valid background music licence.
The compensation for a streaming licence is 20% of the price of your Music in congregational activities licence. The minimum payment for the licence is 27,56 € / year. VAT at the current rate will be added to the prices.
Price examples
Example A: Price of a Gramex Music in congregational activities licence of 2,000 members: 103,8 € / year
Gramex background music steaming license price: minimum payment 27,56 € / year
Example B: Price of a Gramex Music in congregational activities licence of 20,000 members: 1038 € / year
Gramex background music streaming license price: 207,6 € / year
Example C: Price of a Gramex Music in congregational activities licence of 50,000 members: 2,595 € / year
Gramex background music streaming license price: 519 € / year